R.A.U. Juchter van Bergen Quast receives honorary doctorate in Kiev for his outstanding contributions to business development

The CEO of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce has received an honorary doctorate from the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources in Kiev for his outstanding contributions to business development. The ceremony was attended by an international audience.

Visiting Kiev

On 25 November 2021, an international delegation visited the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources in Kiev:

  • Professor Moritz Hunzinger (Germany), CEO of action press AG, Honorary Doctor of Ecology at the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor and Professor and Member of the Supervisory Board of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University;
  • Baron Rudolph Andries Ulrich Juchter van Bergen Quast (The Netherlands), Honorary Doctor of Ecology at the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the NAAS, CEO of Swiss Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands and CEO of the European Chamber of Digital Commerce;
  • Mr. Jan Peter de Jong (The Netherlands), country manager Ukraine at Microsoft and director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, expert in IT services management and digital transformation;
  • Vice Admiral (ret.) Borys Kozhyn, Honorary Doctor of Ecology of the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, First Commander of the Naval Forces of Ukraine; Vice Admiral, People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the 2nd and 3rd convocations, Ukrainian public and political figure.

About Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources

Mrs. Oksana Drebot, Director of the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources, Academician of NAAS, congratulated the highly respected international guests and noted that “The Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine is the leading research institution in Ukraine in the sphere of the definition of the principles of state and scientific and technical policy in the field of agroecology, rational nature management and environmental protection”. Main vectors of Institute’s activities are:  academic and research efforts, human resources, publishing, international and social activities, especially in the field of agroecology, economics of natural resources and environmental protection. She stressed that the Institute’s entry into the European Research Area and the integration of Ukraine’s research and innovation system is the main strategic goal of the Institute.

Professor Moritz Hunzinger (Germany), CEO of action press AG, Honorary Doctor of Ecology at the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor and Professor and Member of the Supervisory Board of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, also joined the welcoming speech. He discussed new trends of cooperation. Prof. Hunzinger kindly agreed to a discussion with the researchers and graduate students of the Institute, to share the experience of European education and nanotechnology in agriculture.

Academician Orest Furdychko, President of the All-Ukrainian public organization “Association of Agroecologists of Ukraine”, presented the honorary title “Honorary Doctor of Ecology of the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources” (Dr. rer. nat. h.c.) to Baron Rudolph Andries Ulrich Juchter van Bergen Quast.

Borys Kozhyn awarded Baron Rudolph Andries Ulrich Juchter van Bergen Quast with a “Slava Ukraini” medal for strengthening cooperation and protecting Ukraine’s interests on the international level. As an Honorary Doctor of Ecology of the Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources, he stressed the significant achievements in ensuring the balance of environmental protection and business interests.

From scientist to entrepreneur: a roadmap

Baron Rudolph Andries Ulrich Juchter van Bergen Quast gave his lecture “From scientist to entrepreneur: a roadmap”, in which he shared his experiences with scientists, postgraduates and doctoral students of the Institute and guests who attended, as well as a number of online attendees.

The lecture focussed the main steps of building a successful startup based on the latest research of self-confident, ambitious, purposeful young scientists. As an example, Juchter van Bergen Quast, shared a story of Ria Persad, an famous American mathematician, who invented a way to make long-term weather forecasts that she applied in the markets for energy derivatives, used as a form of insurance to protect against often volatile energy prices.

How Microsoft adds value to Ukraine

Jan Peter de Jong, country manager Ukraine at Microsoft shared his experience with scientists on the topic: “Empowering agribusiness”, dedicated to the creation of modern agriculture with the help of the latest technologies. He noted that agriculture is one of the most stable industries in Ukraine, which brings a lot of money and feeds many people around the world. Thanks to new technologies (such as artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, the Internet of Things), Microsoft makes agricultural business significantly more efficient and effective.


The lecture was attended by scientists from a number of important academic institutions:

The discussion after the lecture was attended by leading scientists, the Council of Elder and the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute, together with international delegates on the introduction of new approaches of IT in agrarian science and the promotion of scientific achievements in production.

The Institute of Agroecology and Natural Resources of the NAAS expresses its sincere gratitude to all participants of the meeting for a useful and meaningful event, as well as further international cooperation and scientific achievements.

Source: NAAS