Legacy Initiative

Goal SCCN focuses on wildlife protection. We want to create a digital ecosystem of complementary projects focussing on wildlife protection and turning exotic animals into family members. What makes this project so special As part of the world’s ecosystems, wildlife provides balance and stability to nature’s processes. The goal of our Initiative is…

Can cryptocurrencies work as actual currencies?

No, says UBS Global Wealth Management: Cryptocurrencies may never be able to work as actual currencies. The “fundamental flaw” inherent in cryptocurrencies is that supply can’t be reduced when demand is slumping in most cases, Paul Donovan, chief economist at UBS GWM, said in a video this week. That means they can’t…

Switzerland most blockchain-friendly country in Europe

The study, released by blockchain conference BlockShow Europe 2018 looked at 48 European countries, analyzing factors such as actual regulations set in place for the growing blockchain sector, ICO regulations, regulations on cryptocurrency as payment, or the taxation of cryptocurrencies. Switzerland ranks first among the top ten nations in Europe…