Our 2023 Q4 outlook

Given continued economic uncertainty and the fallout from recent bank failures, we expect that many start-ups will continue to struggle to seek new capital via the banking sector. Professional investors will likely focus on extending the runway for their existing portfolio companies, and we therefore anticipate that new deals will…

The only recipe for your first meeting with an investor

The first step to closing a deal with an investor Valuation of your company Founders tend to overestimate the value of their company. Here is a way to present the investor with a realistic estimate. The development stage valuation approach is often used by angel investors and venture capital firms to quickly come up…

Dr. Jelle Zijlstra Award 2023 Laureate in the Field of Global Impact | CatnClever and its CEO, Dr. Olga Ruf Fiedler

Dr. Jelle Zijlstra was the former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, President of the Central Bank of the Netherlands, and President of the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland, with a long-standing engagement with the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands. In honour of this renowned economist, we recognize international leaders whose work champions…

Making an Investment Memorandum

An investment memo is a clear and concise articulation of the key components of your company and what the rationale is for investing in it. Writing an investment memorandum helps the investor to understand why he should invest in your company. VCs also write investment memos of their own, so…

Avoid these three communicational hurdles preventing you from getting funded

Investors are putting their money and that of their co-investors at risk when they invest in your company. Investing in an early-stage company can be both a wise and unwise move. Thus, as you are seeking funding, you need to understand that investors may not invest in your business because…